From Surviving to Thriving: What it Takes

from surviving to thriving

In life, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of simply surviving – going through the motions, meeting basic needs, and getting by day to day. But what does it really mean to thrive?

Thriving goes beyond mere survival. It means living life to the fullest, reaching your full potential, and feeling fulfilled in all aspects of your life. However, moving from a state of survival to one of thriving can be a daunting task.

This blog will explore what it takes to transition from surviving to thriving. Specifically, it will discuss the signs that you may be just surviving, the key components of a thriving life, and provide practical tips on achieving and maintaining this state of thriving.

Surviving vs. Thriving: What They Mean 

Thriving and surviving are two states of being that we often think of as being at opposite ends of the spectrum. When we imagine thriving, we might picture a perfect life, one that is devoid of struggles or challenges. On the other hand, surviving is often thought of as just getting by, coping with difficulties without falling apart completely. However, it’s essential to recognize that thriving doesn’t mean a life without problems or hardships. Rather, it refers to the ability to handle those challenges in a healthy and productive way.

The critical difference between the two mindsets is that thriving is based on optimistic assumptions while surviving is based on pessimistic assumptions. Thriving assumes that everything will work out in the end, whereas surviving assumes that things will eventually go wrong. Changing from surviving to thriving can be challenging because it requires changing your mindset and embracing a more positive outlook. It’s about taking charge of your life, setting goals, and working to achieve them. This requires a willingness to take risks, learn from failures, and embrace new opportunities.

Are You Just Surviving?

Are you living a life that’s just surviving? Do you feel like you’re just going through the motions – doing what needs to be done but not living? Many people go through life without even realizing that they’re stuck in survival mode, which can lead to dissatisfaction and unfulfillment.

In order to determine whether you’re just surviving, it’s crucial to ask yourself some challenging questions about your life. Are you setting goals and working towards achieving them? Do you feel like your life is filled with meaningful experiences, or are you just going through the motions? Do you make time for self-care, or do you neglect your needs? And finally, are you constantly worrying about what could go wrong, or are you actively seeking opportunities and possibilities?

By answering these questions honestly, you can begin to identify areas where you may be stuck in survival mode and start taking action to shift toward thriving.

What it Takes to Start Thriving

There seem to be many things you need to truly thrive in life– you need to have a good work ethic, be passionate about what you do and have the drive to keep going. However, thriving in life involves more than just having a positive attitude or making a few changes.

There are several components of our lives that can impact our ability to thrive, such as our physical and mental health, relationships, career, and personal growth. By carefully examining each area, we can better understand what may be holding us back and identify the changes needed to move towards a more fulfilling life. So here are some of the essential components to go from surviving to thriving:


Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment. It involves focusing on the present moment and not getting caught up in worries about the past or future. Mindfulness-based practices are incredibly beneficial for our mental and emotional health. They can help us better understand ourselves, our thoughts, and our emotions. 

Some ways to practice mindfulness include meditation, deep breathing exercises, journaling, and paying attention to our senses during everyday activities such as eating or walking. By incorporating mindfulness into our daily routine, we can become more attuned to our needs and desires, leading to a more fulfilling and thriving life.


Our relationships with others are essential to our well-being, providing us with support and a sense of connection. That being said, building and maintaining relationships can be challenging, especially if we struggle with communication.

Improving our communication skills in relationships is crucial to fostering stronger connections and expressing ourselves effectively when conflicts arise. By prioritizing our relationships and putting in the effort to strengthen them, we can enhance our overall well-being and increase our chances of thriving in all areas of our lives.


As we grow older, we tend to become more autonomous. This means we take ownership and responsibility for our big and small lives. We learn how to think independently and make decisions tailored specifically to us. This can be a complicated process at first, but it’s essential in order to live the life we want.

One of the best ways to continually develop autonomy is by taking on new challenges. Whether learning a new skill or overcoming a difficult obstacle, breaking out of our comfort zone is crucial to adulthood. When we do this, we also develop the ability to think for ourselves, which is necessary for any profession or activity. By embracing challenges and developing autonomy, we can live a more fulfilling and rewarding life tailored to our desires and needs.

Confidence and Competence

Confidence and competence are crucial components of thriving in life. When we are confident in our abilities and feel competent in what we do, we are more likely to take risks and pursue our goals with passion and determination. This can lead to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

To work on building confidence and competence, it’s important to set achievable goals and take steps toward accomplishing them. Practicing skills, seeking feedback, and celebrating successes can also help build confidence and competence. It’s also important to recognize and challenge negative self-talk, as this can hinder our ability to believe in ourselves and our capabilities. Prioritizing building confidence and competence can help us move beyond just surviving and begin to thrive in all areas of our lives.


Creativity refers to the ability to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to problems. It’s not just about being artistic or talented; creativity is a crucial component of thriving in all aspects of life. By tapping into our creativity, we can find new ways to approach challenges, make meaningful connections with others, and find joy in everyday experiences.

There are many ways to work on our creativity, including taking up a new hobby or pursuing a passion project, trying something new or different, and experimenting with other ideas and perspectives. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and meditation can help to clear our minds and allow us to think more creatively. By incorporating creativity into our lives, we can unlock our full potential and truly thrive.

Setting Standards and Boundaries

Setting standards and boundaries means establishing realistic expectations for ourselves and others and creating healthy limits in our personal and professional lives. By setting achievable standards and boundaries, we can avoid burnout, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve our overall well-being.

Some ways to work on setting standards and boundaries include identifying your values and priorities, learning to say no when necessary, and communicating your needs and limits clearly to others. Additionally, it’s important to regularly reassess and adjust your standards and boundaries as needed to ensure they align with your current goals and circumstances.

Curiosity and Chasing New Experiences

Curiosity is one of the most important emotions that we can have. It’s what drives us to explore new places and experiences, learn new things, and chase new goals. And the benefits of doing this are endless.

For example, when you’re curious, you’re more likely to be open-minded and tolerant of different perspectives. You’re also more likely to be creative and innovative – two qualities that are essential for success in any field. Finally, when you chase after your curiosity, you’re more likely to find success because you’ll constantly be challenging yourself with new goals and tasks. 

Body Regulation

Body regulation refers to the process by which the body maintains stable internal conditions despite changes in the external environment. It involves several physiological mechanisms that work together to regulate bodily functions such as temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and metabolism.

One way to work on body regulation is through mindful breathing, which helps regulate the body’s autonomic nervous system. Exercise is another method that can help reduce inflammation, regulate the body’s stress response, and promote physical and mental well-being. Adequate sleep is also crucial for optimal physical and mental function, as it regulates the body’s hormonal and metabolic systems and reduces inflammation. Lastly, maintaining a healthy diet that includes whole, nutrient-dense foods can help regulate the body’s systems and improve overall health. By engaging in these practices, individuals can work towards achieving better body regulation for a thriving life.

Learning to self-regulate can be crucial in helping someone move from merely surviving to thriving. When our body is regulated, we can better manage stress, maintain mental clarity and focus, and experience positive emotions.

Finding Your Why

Finding your why is all about discovering your purpose and passion in life. It’s about understanding what drives you and gives your life meaning and using that knowledge to create a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Knowing your why can be a powerful tool in helping you move from surviving to thriving. It can give you the motivation and direction you need to achieve your goals and live a more meaningful life. When you clearly understand your why, you are more likely to make choices that align with your values and goals and less likely to get distracted by things that don’t matter.

Executive Function

Executive function refers to the processes that allow us to think, plan, and organize our thoughts and actions. These skills are crucial not only in our careers but in every aspect of our lives. To succeed, you must learn how to effectively use your executive function skills.

Some ways to work on executive function include creating daily to-do lists, breaking down larger projects into smaller tasks, and practicing mindfulness techniques to improve focus and attention. Developing executive function can help individuals move from merely surviving to thriving in all aspects of life.

From Surviving to Thriving Together

In conclusion, it takes more than just hard work and determination to transition from surviving to thriving. It also requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to learning new skills such as mindfulness, communication, and networking.

I understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving success. That’s why my coaching services are tailored to each individual’s unique needs and focus on developing the necessary skills to make the best decisions and reach their highest potential.

Together, we’ll identify changes you need to make to go from surviving to thriving. So don’t wait any longer– take action today to start living life to its fullest potential!

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